Policies - INDU Token


DISCLAIMER: This website contains non-binding preliminary information for promotional purposes for interested people with experience in dealing with cryptographic tokens and it does not constitute a prospectus, or any other document approved by or filed with any regulatory authority in Switzerland or abroad. This website is neither an offer nor a solicitation of an offer to purchase cryptographic tokens, such as the INDU token, or any securities or other products. Indu4.0 AG does not assure any future appreciation, certain future performance or profit potential in connection with INDU tokens. Indu4.0 AG reserves the right to exclude certain people from purchasing INDU tokens based on any reasons (e.g., people from restricted countries, such as the U.S., or politically exposed persons). The information on this website does not constitute investment advice or an investment recommendation. While every care has been taken in preparing this website, errors and omissions are reserved. The statements made are based on estimates, economic data, own judgments and are forward-looking statements at the time of preparation of the website and may be subject to change. Therefore, this information is provided on the basis that neither Indu4.0 AG, nor partners or employees of Indu4.0 AG are liable in any way for any errors or inaccuracies within this presentation. Indu4.0 AG assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the information contained herein or any possible error or inaccuracy. Decisive for the purchase and sale of the presented INDU token is NOT this website, but exclusively the corresponding purchase agreement, SAFT agreement or the general terms and conditions to be accepted by buyers, where also the corresponding risks for a purchase of cryptographic tokens, such as the INDU token, are described in detail. This website may not be reproduced, distributed to others or published, in whole or in part. People who come into possession of any documents presented on this website must inform themselves, do their own research about and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
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